Thursday, October 1, 2015

Attendance / Roster

Information about the daily attendance

1. The Roster will be called at 1:00PM

2. Each name will be read outloud and each student must signal his/her presence.

3. If for any reason your name is not called out during the calling of the roster, you have to tell the teacher as he finishes reading the names letting him know about you.

4. Latecomers. If you are late, you will be marked absent. You have to go to the teacher´s office to change your marking from absent to late. Otherwise your marking will stay as absent.. If you are late you can change your marking from absent to late after the class or any other day after that class. You can only do this during the week of that specific marking.

5. The marking of late does not affect your overall attendance. The marking of absent affects your participation of evaluations according to UES Law.

6. Any question, please come to the teacher´s office for clarification.