Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Important Information. Please Read.

The end of week 14 - 10, and the following 21 - 25 will be highly irregular. There are two events playing a role in the development of our classtime: I have to attend a workshop, and the second we have elections in our university. the following days:

elecciones (posiblemente todo el dia, suspencion de clases a nivel de facultad) 9:00-12:30 y de 1:30-4:00 (cuando sea continua), septiembre: jueves 17, viernes 18, jueves 24, viernes 25;

capacitacion (por la maƱana) 8:00-12:00, septiembre: jueves 16, viernes 17, jueves 23, viernes 25.

So, rule of thumb, wait for me 15 minutes in the classroom, if I do not show up during that time, you are excused until the next class.

Our group will only see interference on Thursday, September 17 if the morning meeting goes into the afternoon.

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