Monday, September 28, 2015

Activities September 28 - October 2

1. Syllabus Design

a. Please be punctual to all presentations

b. Groups will now have a limit of 40 minutes each and 10 minutes for Q&A.

c. Please make sure you hand a copy of  your summary to your peers.

d. Respect your fellow pre-service teachers by paying attention to their presentation at all times, and visit the restroom before coming to class.

link to materials: pending

Friday, September 18, 2015

Task Group Distribution

Task 1 Group Distribution

1. The Structural Syllabus (September 24, 50 minutes for presentation)
Jorge Vasquez
Jose Gonzalez
Gloria Barahona
Rosalina Ramirez

2.The Notional/Functional Syllabus (September 24, 50 minutes for presentation)
Ruth Candelario
Maria Vasquez
Moises Juarez
Jose Perez
Ricardo Romero

3. The Situational Syllabi (September 29, 50 minutes for presentation)
Ivania Lopez
Wilber Avila
Walter Castro
Gabriel Alvarado
Jose Martinez

4. Skill-based Syllabi (September 29, 50 minutes for presentation)
Yesica Guardado
Henry Leon
Carlos Hernandez
Leydi Orellana
Claudia Diaz

5. The Task-based Syllabus (October1, 50 minutes for presentation)
Christian Ayala
Obil Flores
Mayra Sanchez
Eliseo Portillo
Ernesto Alvarado

6. The Content-based Syllabus (October1, 50 minutes for presentation)
Kenia Miranda
katherine Deras
Prisila Monterrrosa
Yasayra Alfaro
Vanessa Ramirez

Guidelines for Task Presentation

a. prepare a presentation of the syllabus you have been assigned (oral in front of your peers and a written report which you have to issue a copy to everyone in the class and a digital copy to the teacher).

b. you can use a PPT audio visual aid or any other mean to make your presentation more interesting.

c. divide the parts of the assigned syllabus proportionally among the members of the group so everyone is responsible for the whole or each individual part of the task.

d. proper attires is a requirement for the presentation of your task. The rest of the days you can wear regular clothing.

e. attendance is mandatory for all presentations. Your punctuality is part of your decorum.

f. if you miss your presentation, or miss a presentation, you must present valid proof to justify your absence.

g. others (pending)

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Important Information. Please Read.

The end of week 14 - 10, and the following 21 - 25 will be highly irregular. There are two events playing a role in the development of our classtime: I have to attend a workshop, and the second we have elections in our university. the following days:

elecciones (posiblemente todo el dia, suspencion de clases a nivel de facultad) 9:00-12:30 y de 1:30-4:00 (cuando sea continua), septiembre: jueves 17, viernes 18, jueves 24, viernes 25;

capacitacion (por la maƱana) 8:00-12:00, septiembre: jueves 16, viernes 17, jueves 23, viernes 25.

So, rule of thumb, wait for me 15 minutes in the classroom, if I do not show up during that time, you are excused until the next class.

Our group will only see interference on Thursday, September 17 if the morning meeting goes into the afternoon.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Activities Week September 14 - 18

Class on September 17

1. Prepare a lesson plan following the example given "GEN" Generic Lesson Plan Model.

* Use a topic of your preference.
* English Basic Level
* Pay attention to the writing of OBJECTIVES

2. Read "Krahnke - Approaches to Syllabus Design" Chapters 1 and 2.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Activities Week September 7 - 11

1. Material on Rebecca Oxford

2. Quiz on Tuesday

a) Planning ( learning objectives and goals)

b) Lesson Planning (Linda Jensen and the different Lesson Plan Models)

c) Integrated Skills in the ESL/EFL Classroom, Rebbecca Oxford

3. Focus on the Learner / Needs Analysis (David Nunan)